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Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you experiencing pain, tingling, or numbness in your feet? You might be suffering from Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (TTS). It’s like carpal tunnel syndrome, but for your feet! It occurs when the posterior tibial nerve is compressed within the tarsal…

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Planning the Year ahead

So, how many new year’s resolutions have you stuck with? If you’re thinking, “Err, let’s not go there,” you’re not alone. For most people, health goals tend to fall by the wayside by February. But what if this year could…

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Tackling twisted knees

Hey there, fellow footie enthusiasts! So, you were on the pitch weaving through opponents like Messi when you twisted your knee. Now you’re hobbling like you've just discovered your inner penguin. Sound familiar? Or maybe you weren’t on the pitch.…

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